Climate change impacts are everywhere .Earthquakes, floods and fires have become the new reality and yet construction techniques  have not kept pace with this new reality . Supply constraints and constantly changing commodity prices have necessitated new and innovative construction  solutions.

New West Coast  seismic requirements require structures to accomodate additional structural strength  that until now could only be met by expensive  steel or concrete forming  structures rendering them slow to build and  unaffordable for most forms of housing .

Wood has been a staple of most housing construction yet wood suffers as a poor insulator, often has moisture related issues leading to mold growth , tends to warp, and does not last  . Wood is more susceptible to fire, water and decay and cannot withstand hurricanes, high winds or earthquakes.


Hurricanes have been destroying homes and buildings with increasing regularity. Insubuilt homes can withstand  high winds and flying debris. ICF structures can be engineered to withstand a category 5 hurricane 


                                                                                                                                               Insubuilt homes are insect resistant and are completely sealed to the outside 

                                                                                                             Earthquakes are occuring more frequently and Insubuilt meets or exceeds current West Coast seismic regulations                     

                                                                                Wood is plagued  with moisture and humidity issues which can lead to mold and mildew . Insubuilt walls are sealed cavities and do not allow any water                                                                                                                                                                                                                penetration